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Chris Amendt Combines Conservation and Skincare with Monarch Botanika

By Robert White, Editor-In-Chief

In a time when environmental stewardship is more critical than ever, Chris Amendt has crafted a mission that marries beauty and conservation. As the founder of Monarch Botanika, Amendt uses her unique background in science and a lifelong passion for nature to create skincare products that do more than nourish the skin—they help save the monarch butterfly.

A former board-certified cytotechnologist specializing in cancer diagnosis, Amendt spent 30 years in the medical field before deciding to pursue a path closer to her heart. “I loved working in the medical industry, but I realized that my true passion was in creating spaces that benefit the planet, wildlife, and pollinators,” she says. Leaving her corporate career behind, Amendt embarked on a journey to restore habitats and conserve monarch populations in her Southern California community.

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